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1. Name
The club will be called Royston Rugby Union Football Club and will be affiliated to the Rugby Football Union, the Hertfordshire Rugby Football Union and the Hertfordshire Referees Society.
2. Aims and objectives
The aims and objectives of the club will be:
• To promote Rugby to all people by demonstrating the values of Rugby Union (Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship).
• To offer participation opportunities in Rugby Union to the community
• To be a leading sporting institution within the local community.
• To develop a culture of continuous improvement in coaching, management, and administration of Rugby union.
• To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club.
• To promote equality and diversity in Rugby Union.
• To collaborate with the schools and sporting bodies in the promotion of Rugby Union,.
• To create a financially sustainable community rugby club with appropriate facilities and resources for members and the community.
3. Club Colours
Will be black and white shirts, black shorts and black socks.
4. Membership
Membership should consist of officers and members of the club. All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the club will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of conduct that the club has adopted.
Members will be enrolled in one of the following categories:
• Full Member (over 19 years)
• Junior Member
• Vice President (non-playing member)
• Honorary Members

(Junior Members under the age of 19 on 1st September. Student Members shall be in full time education.)
All Members, except Vice President Members are eligible to vote at General Meetings, including U16's, whose
parents may vote by proxy.
All Members are required to be fully paid up members of the Royston Rugby Union Football Club. New Senior Players will be permitted to represent the Club on three occasions and all Junior members will be permitted to attend on three occasions, whether games or training, after which they will be required to join Royston Rugby Union Football Club.
Members will be expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the status of the Club and the respective affiliate bodies, both on and off the field. Any Member who, in the opinion of the Management Committee, is found guilty of misconduct prejudicial to both the good name and interests of the Club and Rugby Football, could have their membership terminated, subject to a disciplinary hearing.
5. Membership Fees
Membership fees will be set annually and agreed by the Executive/ Management Committee or determined at the Annual General Meeting. All subscriptions and match fees will be determined by the Management Committee at the beginning of each playing season. All subscriptions shall be paid up in full by 1st October each year. Any Member in default with their subscriptions by that date shall be ineligible for selection for any team or participation in any Club activity until such subscription is paid in full. All players shall pay their match fees either directly before or immediately after each match. The payment shall only be to the Team Captain or his authorised representative.
6. General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting will be held in May, date, time and place to be decided by the Management Committee. The Club Secretary will notify all Members twenty-one days prior to the date. The Meeting will receive and consider Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting, the Club Chairperson's Report, the Club Secretary's Report and the Club Captain's Report. The Treasurer shall present to the Meeting an accountant's statement of annual accounts for the previous Club year for discussion and approval of the Meeting. The election of Officers and Management Committee Members for the following Club year will take place. Any decision or amendments to the Club Constitution and other special business, received in writing by the secretary at least fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting, will also be considered and dealt with appropriately. Any decision or amendments to the Club Constitution shall be decided by a two third majority vote of all Members present provided there is a quorum present. A quorum shall not be less than twenty-five Members. The Secretary shall be empowered to call a Special General Meeting upon receiving a request to do so, in writing, from a minimum of ten members, or, at the request of the Management Committee. In the event of a tied vote the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
7. Officers of the club
The officers of the club will be:
• Chair
• Vice Chair
• Honorary Secretary
• Treasurer
• Club Captain
• Fixtures Secretary
• Director of Rugby
• Mini and Youth Chairperson

(Officers will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. All officers will retire each year but will be eligible for re-appointment.)
8. Committee
The club will be managed through the Management Committee consisting of:
• President
• Chair
• Vice Chair
• Honorary Secretary
• Treasurer
• Fixtures Secretary
• Safeguarding officer
• Club Captain
• Mini and Youth Chairperson
• Director of Rugby
• Club Development Officer
• Any other (non-voting) members appointed at the discretion of the Committee.

(Only these posts will have the right to vote at meetings of the Management Committee.)
A list for Nominations shall be displayed by the Secretary on the Club Notice Board not less than six weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. The Notice shall be removed not less than 24 hours prior to the Meeting. The Management Committee will be convened by the Secretary of the club and held no less than six meetings per year. The quorum required for business to be agreed at Management Committee meetings will be five. The Management Committee will be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of conduct and rules that affect the organisation of the club. The Management Committee will have powers to appoint sub-committees as necessary and appoint advisers to the Management Committee as necessary to fulfil its business. The Management Committee will be responsible for disciplinary hearings of members who infringe the club rules/regulations/constitution. The Management Committee will be responsible for taking any action of suspension or discipline following such hearings. The Management of the Club shall be vested in the Management Committee who will have full control over the administrative and financial running of the Club. The Committee shall meet at regular intervals, shall keep accurate Minutes of its meetings, an accurate set of accounts which shall give a fair and true view of the financial affairs of the Club and shall be available for inspection by any fully paid up Member of the Royston Rugby Club, by application to the secretary in writing. Any borrowings in excess of £5000 shall require the approval of the Royston Rugby Club at a General Meeting by a two third majority in favour. Payments of greater than £1000 require the approval of the committee.
The following posts shall also be determined, by vote, at the Annual General Meeting:
• Team Captains
• Social Secretary
• Press Officer
• Mini and Youth Chair
• Two Representatives to the Hertfordshire RFU
9. Finance
All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the club. The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the club. The financial year of the club will end on: 30th April. A statement of annual accounts will be provided by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting. Any cheques drawn against club funds should hold two authorised signatures.
10. Discipline and Appeals
The Management Committee shall appoint a Sub-Committee comprising three members, prior to the commencement of each season. This Committee will be responsible for dealing with all Club Members who are charged with conduct detrimental to the good name of Royston Rugby Football Club. They will be responsible for the determination of any penalty thus accruing. A further member shall be appointed reserve for the Committee and will attend in the absence of a Member. Not less than three members shall sit at a meeting of this Committee. All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be presented and submitted in writing to the Secretary. Any person called before the Committee to explain their conduct shall be permitted to call two persons to give support before the Committee. The committee may call its own witnesses. The Management Committee will meet to hear complaints within ten days of a complaint being lodged. The committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including the termination of membership. The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within five days of the hearing. There will be the right of appeal to the Management Committee following disciplinary action being announced. The committee should consider the appeal within ten days of the Secretary receiving the appeal.
11. Liability
In the event of the Club being dissolved due to financial difficulties, each full member shall be deemed equally liable for any outstanding debts. The Management Committee is deputed to apply for Limited Liability Status as and when they deem it applicable. The Club disclaims responsibility for damage to the person or property of anyone using the Club facilities or the loss of property brought on to the Heath Sports Club premises. Anyone making use of the facilities does so at their own risk.
12. Dissolution
A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at an AGM or EGM subject to a two-thirds majority in favour. In the event of the dissolution of the Royston Rugby Union Football Club the Management Committee is empowered to dispose of the assets belonging to the Club as they see fit, if a two-thirds majority cannot agree.
13. Amendments to the constitution
The constitution will only be changed through agreement by majority vote at an AGM or EGM.
14. Declaration
Royston Rugby Union Football Club hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members.
DATE: 25/5/22
NAME: Niall Tallis
POSITION: Club Chair
SIGNED: A Cantelo
DATE: 25/5/22
NAME: Alexandra Cantelo
POSITION: Club Secretary
Adopted by show of hands at club AGM on 25 May 2022.